Privacy Policy

Privacy protection

This Privacy Policy describes how XXXelf ("Company") collects, uses and shares privacy information, and what choices you have with respect of to the information. This applies to all services of this company, this privacy inspection at any time, the terms in our website. This information and the privacy statement below apply to our online advertising technology platform ("Platform"), and will be of general interest to Internet users. If you have registered account or with the company for business cooperation, the establishment of cooperative relations, it means that you agree to our Privacy Policy, if you have any doubt about the terms of the privacy of the company, please contact us and stop using our service.

What Information do we collect and use?

The Company does not collect or use PII (Personally Identifiable Information) on the Platform, and contractually prohibits its clients from collecting or using PII on the Platform. XXXelf makes some uses of non-PII collected on the Platform and enables clients to use information provided by third-party sources. We collect the following information:

Basic information. To provide better user experiences to end-users, publishers and advertisers, we will ask the partners to provide information, including but not limited to the basic information of the company or individual, company names, profit-seeking enterprise registration number, person in charge of the company name, phone number, email, company location, personal residential address, occupation, income and other information, provided by all partners the company will complete in accordance with privacy provisions to save.

Device information. Automatic identification of the device or hardware. When your device (including but not limited to mobile phone, tablet, TV, PDA and etc.) link to the server or website, our program will automatically determine your device type, model, service platform, carriers and browse device. The company will collect your information, including but not limited to phone numbers, phone brand, hardware maker, phone model, carrier, platform, mobile phone code, and other information collected through this mechanism.

GPS information. Our LBS technology will need this information to provide services or for other 3rd party LBS services.

Other information. Our services may be retained takes the user to browse the Internet or query information, and records shall be kept on the system, including but not limited to, IP addresses, time, browser, and click record.

How do we collect information?

Through the Platform, we may (but do not necessarily, or always) collect a variety of information about end users. The Platform uses mainly cookies, pixels, beacons, tags, device-based SDKs, and in some cases non-cookie technologies, to collect non-PII associated with particular web browsers or devices.

Cookie is a small text file that is stored in a web browser by a website or ad server. By saving information in a cookie, websites and servers can remember preferences or recognize browsers from one visit to another or from one website to another. To make our services when users use the service, identify a user's information or data, the system will record the user behavior, such as the cookie. Server sends the information you need to write to your hard disk by the browser, your next service, the server will ask the browser to return cookie information, and such information will be kept by us, the for these data to the analysis, providing users a higher quality of service.

Pixel tag is an invisible 1 x 1 pixel that is placed on certain web pages, and often used in a combination of cookies to track the certain user activities.

SDK is a computer code that app developers can implement in their apps to show the advertisements. It is often used as mobile identifiers to collect information such as mobile devices and how users interact with our platform.

For what purposes do we use the information?

The Company will give full explanation on a description the services or promotions, so that you understand how we service or activity, when you read the information, you can choose whether to accept or participate in this service or even.

The Company uses the information collected on the Platform to provide, operate, manage, maintain, and enhance the Platform.

The Company may act as a client of the Platform to advertise its business online.

The Company may use your data or use the services of behaviour, including but not limited to analysis of user behaviour, improve system service processes, the various studies or to improve system stability through information and analysis results.

The Platform enables XXXelf's clients to use non-PII they collect to buy and sell online advertising, including interest-based advertising, using real-time bidding.

Particular advertising-related purposes for which XXXelf clients may use the non-PII they collect on the platform for interest-based advertising in various formats, regions, sequence, and report users respond to ads and aggregated statistics regarding, for example, the effectiveness of online advertising campaigns.

What information does XXXelf share with third parties?

XXXelf may, to operate or enhance XXXelf's services, provide data collected on the Platform to clients, partners, and service providers. XXXelf may provide, or enable others to collect, information for purposes of detecting and preventing malicious activity or invalid traffic. In addition, XXXelf may disclose such information in the event we reasonably suspect malicious activity or invalid traffic, or believe that we are legally required to do so. XXXelf may also share aggregated data derived from the Platform, including, for example, statistics about Platform activity. Finally, we may transfer Platform data to a successor entity in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets, bankruptcy, or other corporate change.

How is the information stored and how long is it kept?

XXXelf uses generally accepted industry security standards on the Platform. Non-PII stored in the platform is retained in the Platform in non-aggregated form for up to 18 months from the date of collection. Aggregated data is used for reporting and analysis, and may be stored in the Platform for up to 2 additional years.

Privacy Information Security Mechanism

In order to protect information security partners, the company will provide equipment and security mechanisms to help protect your personal information to prevent unauthorized data access and interested parties are invasive engage in malicious activities. The Company does not undertake to assume legal responsibility.

Your Rights

If you are a resident of the European Economic Area, you have the right to access personal information we hold about you and to ask that your personal information be corrected, updated, or deleted. You may opt-out the use of our technology to provide you with relevant advertisements by (email).

Privacy Terms of Amendment

Privacy Policy the company as technology development, social change, customs, amendment relevant laws and regulations or other unpredictable factors, appropriate modifications to adjust in order to protect privacy rights users and partners. If for modification the terms of the company will immediately published on the website, latest changes on subject to change without notice.